Nwodi Esther 's Post for Fidelity Bank

Customer Posts & Reviews
Nwodi Esther's Post
Category: Banking
Rating: 93 Rating(s)


Founded: in 1988 as Fidelity Union Merchant Bank Limited and in 1999, converted to commercial banking and changed its current name
International Presence: London, Cairo, Egypt, South Africa, Frankfurt, London and New York. +
Corporate Head Office: Fidelity Place, 2, Kofo Abayomi Street, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria
Vision: To be number one in every market we serve and for every branded product we offer.
Mission: To make financial services easy and accessible to our customers.
Core Values: Customer First, Respect, Excellence, Shared Ambition, Tenacity
USSD Codes: *770# (for transfer, airtime, bill payments, account balance, etc)
Email: true.serve@fidelitybank.ng
Tel: 0700 343 35489; From abroad: 0908 798 9069
WhatsApp: 0903 000 5252
Facebook: Fidelity Bank Plc
Instagram: fidelitybankplc
YouTube: @fidelitybankplc
Twitter: @fidelitybankplc
Linkedin: Fidelity Bank PLC


The issue I have with Fidelity is that they charge customer monthly nd I don't know why one can't get zero account 19 May, 2021

Comments (1)

Ezeah Monday said 22 May, 2021
This very correct

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